Testing the Waters

I must tell you up front, I recently discovered this new platform on infinityfree.net, and decided to give the whole lot a test run.  I hope to offer a place where I can both express myself, and offer up some of my years of experience and wisdon 😉  as well as encourage others to share theirs as well.

I do have other projects and websites, as well as 2 full blown online stores, and a marketplace shop for my art on fashion designs. You can find links to all 3 on this splash page, http://www.digiscrapcafe.com as well as links to some other places you can find my art, and my tangible goods. Scroll down that page to see all the links, stores, and shops. Those projects are hosted on paid platforms and marketplaces, while this new one is me testing if you can really build and run a  functioning, and asthetically pleasing website for Free!

So this is the take off point, the place where a person wonders, what happens next, so I will be exploring this platform,  and tweaking this whole beauty as I go. I also recently started this Creative Digi Diva wordpress blog to go along with the new project.  If you should happen upon this project in it’s infancy, as like now 🙂 you can watch it grow and change as it does. Feel free to be a part of  the discussions, ideas, and exchanges of wisdom. The main website will be located at http://www.creativedigidiva.com

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